Contact Information
You may reach us by phone, e-mail or postal mail.
Ed Kovitz & Associates, LLC
Location: 18005 East US Highway 24
Mailing: PO Box 275
Peyton, CO 80831
Ed & Tema Kovitz, Owners
Phone: 719-749-2690
E-mail: Due to the high volume of Spam that we receive, we cannot list e-mail addresses in their typical format. We have to list my e-mail address in the following format: ed at edkovitz dot/period com. You can copy this modified format, paste in the address window of your e-mail, then replace the word “at” the the @ symbol and replace “dot/period” with a period. Sorry for the inconvenience, unfortunately this is the best way that we have found to deal with spammers. It got to a point where we were receiving 100 to 200 per day – too many people with to too much idle time.